After staying in the beautiful quaint town of Sibiu in Romania, we were headed South towards Bulgaria (with hopes to make it into Serbia – which we were denied, but that’s a whole other story).  We took a bit of a de-tour in order to make it to ‘Tunnel Dragoste’ or ‘Tunnel of Love.’ This beautiful passageway of pure zen greenery was created by the CaransebesshBoutzari-Subcetate railway in Romania.

We had to find the exact location via GPS coordinates. It was located in the town of ‘Obreja.’ We drove into a small, secluded Romanian village where all stores were closed (despite being a weekday) and people were just sitting outside of their homes/stores/apartments and kids playing in the street. We drove into the village and onto a street that ended with a dirt road (which was of course where we needed to go). When we travel, (although this happens every vacation), we absolutely hate dirt roads because if you get stuck, you don’t know when, how, or who is coming to get you. Let alone how to explain to anyone where you are. Our trips are always so jam packed that this would throw us back significantly. We pretty much drove through all of Romania and Bulgaria in 5 days..

Anyway, onto the dirt road we went, through fields of tall weeds, horses, and barns we drove until we got to our GPS coordinate, right in the middle of the dirt road. We left our car parked on the field so we wouldn’t get hit and hoped we wouldn’t get we were ‘in the middle of nowhere.’

Tunnel of Love #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA

We proceeded down the field onto a railway that we started to walk alongside. We kept saying ‘is this it?’ ‘Did we miss it?’ Finally, after walking for about 500 meters we hit the ‘Tunnel of Love.’ At this point, the 3 hour drive from Sibiu onto a sketchy town, through to a dirt road was all worth it! It was absolutely amazing! It was a bit scary the entire time, as this track was active, so we kept listening out for the trains. Thankfully, none appeared during our time there. It was a surreal feeling being in the middle of nowhere, on a beautiful train track with only the sounds of bristling trees swaying back and forth to the wind.